Thursday, November 21, 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Natural Bridge State Park Abettor Brewery

Hemlock Tulip

Natural Bridge State Park was logged in 1800 but you can still find trees that have Old Growth Characteristics

Abettor Brewery is 30 mi away in Whinchestor Ky and wouldn't you know  offers an Ale8 Ale

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, February 1, 2019

Shrader-Weaver Woods New Boswell Brewey & Italian Market

Black Walnut Red Elm


Chinka Pin Beech

Tulip Blackcherry

Black Walnuts

Brewery,Italian Deli with an Italian Hot Table.
Beer Choices:Cream Ale,Sour,Wit,Amber and Irish Red Ale.
The Sausage Potato Sofritto was amazing! pairs well with the Red Ale
about 25 min drive from Shrader-Weaver Woods

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

McFarlan Woods West Side Brewing

Chinkapin Oak White Oak

Lots of selection all good great venue to have a drink with friends and family just a mile or two from McFarlan Woods depending on where you started your hike.