Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022

Shrader-Weaver Nature Preserve Fayette Co. Indiana


One of the most fascinating places in all of Southern Indiana. It has Seep Spring Skunk Cabbage Swamp, remnant Old Growth Forest and Indigenous Wild Flowers.

Dead Oak

Green Ash

Black Walnut


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Meltzer Woods Nature Preserve Shelby Co Indiana


Right off I74 just before Shelbyville In going west

Oak Chinkapin

Oak Tulip

great little tap room very good beers about 20 miles East of Metzler Woods in Greensburg Indiana off I74

Friday, February 18, 2022

Hayes Regional Arboretum

 Hayes Regional Arboretum contains 3% of Indiana's Old Growth Forests. The remnant old growth is located north of the nature center between Elk and Hayes Arboretum roads facing the active railroad tracks.The hills with the old growth are some kind of terminal moraine or some other kind of glacial water course silt.

Dead Beech Sycamore Blackcherry

Brewery Resturaunt featuring a bar from the World Fair Chicago 1893
Located a few miles West of Hayes Arboretum on RT 40
I enjoyed a tasty Scotch Ale barley pop for $5 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Hayes Regional Arboretum


Hayes Regional Arboretum contains 3% of Indiana's Old Growth Forests. The remnant old growth is located north of the nature center between Elk and Hayes Arboretum roads facing the active railroad tracks.

Locust ,Scamore and Cotton Wood

Tulip ,Black Cherry and Bitter Nut Hickory  

Tulip , Red Oak and Beech